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What Are The Reasons For A Severe Toothache?

Have you ever experienced a sudden intolerable toothache at night? This is the worst pain experienced ever, isn’t it? But what should we do to relieve this awful pain? You may have experienced toothache, whether from loose teeth, impacted wisdom teeth, or tenderness when biting an icy or hot food. See your emergency dentist if you notice persistent toothache lasting more than a day or two. You may need some dental treatments. Click here to get more beneficial information.

If your toothache is accompanied by fever or difficulty breathing or swallowing, see an emergency dentist immediately. The tooth root contains the lower two-thirds of the tooth and is usually hidden in the jawbone. But when gum disease occurs, the bacteria that cause the disease can also dissolve the bone around the tooth root. Without protection against healthy gums and bones, the roots are often sensitive to hot, cold, and sour foods.

Toothache can sometimes be very severe, especially at night. It is often painful and can get worse quickly. If you want to neutralize the toothache, it isn’t easy. Your teeth nerves do not have any feeling towards heat, cold, or touch. When stimulated, their only response is pain. Besides, teeth have many neural connections that lead directly to your brain’s pain center.

Toothache Symptoms

Toothache is any pain or ache that is felt in or around the tooth. It is sometimes difficult for even an emergency dentist to describe what you are experiencing. The pain can be sharp, dull, or constant. In some cases, the pain is only felt when you press on the tooth. Your teeth can also be sensitive to hot or cold temperatures. Chewing pain is also very common. Other symptoms include gums swelling, headache, and high fever. You may also have bleeding teeth or gums.


Can We Prevent The Toothache?

Yeah. With good oral hygiene, you can greatly reduce the toothache risk. Good oral hygiene means a combination of home dental care and a great relationship with your emergency dentist.

We recommend healthy daily habits and regular visits to the emergency dentist. Practice oral hygiene habits at home, including brushing twice a day and flossing once a day. Set regular health visits with an oral health specialist or emergency dentist twice a year.

Have a routine X-ray test and visit with your emergency dentist once a year.

If you are feeling minor pain, there are some remedies you can try before visiting the emergency dentist, for instance, applying an ice pack to the area and using painkillers for short-term relief. Some people recommend cloves or clove oil, which is applied directly to the teeth, or local anesthetics, such as gels used to remove teeth. Also, rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can be a good solution. If there is major pain, you may find that it gets worse soon. This is why an emergency dentist must perform the examination, even if you can relieve some of the pain.