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Dental Bonding: How to Restore Your Winning Smile

Whether there’s pain or not, if you have a broken or damaged tooth, you need to get it checked. For chipped, cracked, or discoloured teeth, you can choose from several repair options: crowns, veneers, and bonding. Amongst these three, dental bonding is a less expensive restorative dental treatment and can be done in a single appointment. Before going for dental bonding treatment, here are a few things you should know:

No Anaesthesia is Required

Dental bonding is among the least painful dental treatments there is. In some cases, anaesthesia is not required for dental bonding, depending on its outcome. However, if you’d rather be put under due to dental fear or anxiety, you can discuss administering local anaesthetics during your procedure with your dentist.

Insurance Coverage is Available

Dental bonding is usually less costly than crowns or veneers because it is typically conducted in-house without the need for third-party professionals.

Most dental insurance also covers dental boding – this is good news for those who don’t have a primary dental cover. Not only is this procedure more economical, with the help of insurance, it will be less of a financial burden to pay for dental bonding treatment.

Bonding Is Less Durable

The resin composite used for dental bonding has vastly improved over the years. However, this material is still not as durable as porcelain veneers or crowns. The material also chips easily. Most dental bonds last from 3 to 7 years, while porcelain-made crowns and veneers can last up from 10 to 20 years.

Bonding is Not Suitable for Every Condition  

The posterior teeth are commonly affected by large cracks. With more forces required in posterior teeth, strength is more important due to their primary function as chewing teeth. Thus, bonding with composites is not recommended as the strength of composites is relatively lower than metal or porcelain. It may be better to cover the whole tooth with a crown or an onlay to help the tooth resist force and stress.

Bonding is also not suitable for large molars that have undergone root canal treatment. Root canal treated teeth may have significantly weakened structures due to structural loss that caused the root canal. In addition, the root canal procedure itself can compromise the strength of the teeth. When this occurs, dentists will usually suggest full coverage onlays or crowns to restore your teeth.

Cosmetic Bonding

The term cosmetic bonding usually refers to bonding done on the anterior teeth (or the teeth that show when you smile). When you chew, there’s less load on the front teeth. Thus, not all fractured front teeth need a crown and bridge. While cosmetic bonding isn’t the best solution for every dental condition, it is a straightforward, fast, and relatively inexpensive solution to improve the appearance of your teeth. Remember that being confident in how your teeth look can motivate you to keep them in good condition.

Dental Bonding can Help Other Teeth Problems

Can Dental Bonding be Redone?

Besides cracks, discolouration, and decayed areas, dental bonding can also be beneficial when treating other dental problems. The procedure can help close any embarrassing gaps between teeth, elongate teeth and enhance the appearance of a tooth by changing its shape and size.

Bonding is Good for Sensitive Teeth

Sometimes, teeth can be extremely sensitive due to strong pressure when you brush your teeth, gum disease, and even orthodontics. This is mainly because they expose the tooth’s root, which is located directly at the tooth nerve. When there is root sensitivity and a loss of tooth structure, bonding is used to protect the root canal and help tackle sensitivity.

Bonding Prevent Stains

Sometimes, dental bonds can be used to minimise tooth discolouration. However, resin utilised in dental bonding isn’t stain-resistant. Depending on its durability, resin can help prevent stains, but the effect wears off quickly.

Since cosmetic dental bonding for teeth does not last forever, special care is required for proper maintenance, like having a good oral hygiene regimen. Also, it is essential to visit your dentist every six months for a quick polish to remove stains.

At times, staining might be a sign of tooth decay. Another strategy is to reduce eating teeth-staining foods. For smokers, it’s a good idea to quit smoking to reduce the risk of oral-related diseases. To avoid chipping, be sure not to chew or bite on hard objects. Sometimes, a chipped tooth may be a grinding issue.

Dental bonding can be an effective way to restore your confidence. Nevertheless, it’s best to visit a dentist to learn more about this procedure. Restorative dental treatments aside, you should also get your teeth checked regularly. If you notice sharp edges or feel discomfort when you bite, seek your dentist immediately for an emergency dental treatment.