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A Brief Discussion On New Treatment For Fistula

An anal fistula can be called a small tunnel that will connect the abscess, which is an infected cavity with the anus, and finally to the opening around the skin around the anus. The anus is known as the external opening through which the feces are exited through the body.

There are various old and new treatments for fistula. Today we are going to discuss these in detail.

Well, just inside the anus there are a number of small glands that are going to make the mucus. Well, these glands are going to get clogged and can easily become infected which will lead to the abscess.

Well, about half of these abscesses are going to lead to the fistula. There are some symptoms and causes of the anal fistula.

Causes of the Anal Fistula?

Well, some of the leading causes of the anal fistula are clogged anal glands and anal abscess. There are other common conditions that can also lead to anal fistula. Let us see other causes of the anal fistula:

  • Radiation
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Tuberculosis
  • Cancer
  • Diverticulitis
  • Trauma
  • Inflammatory disease is known as Crohn’s disease.

What Are The Symptoms Of The Anal Fistula?

There are symptoms and signs of the anal fistula that includes:

  • Abscesses and frequent
  • Swelling and pain around the anus.
  • Foul or bloody smelling drainage or pus from the opening around the anus.
  • The pain might lessen after the fistula is drained.
  • Bleeding
  • Pain while having bowel movements.
  • Chills, fever, and a feeling of fatigue.
  • Irritation is caused in the skin that is around the anus as a result of the drainage.

Well, you must get in touch with the doctor if you are watching any of the symptoms mentioned above.

There are many traditional methods through which you will be able to treat the anal fistula. But today we are going through the effects of a new treatment for fistula that is minimally invasive. Well, hat method is by using the Invasive anal fistula plug.

Tips for Living With an Anal Fistula | The Mighty

Performing Anal Fistula Treatment With The Minimally Invasive Anal Fistula Plug

Anal fistulas are the abnormal tunnels from the anus or the rectum that is usually the area under the skin near the anal part but is occasionally too other people. This might cause discharge and pain that is associated with the abscess. When it is infected with it, then there are symptoms that you can face.

These fistulas are going to occur more frequently in men as compared to women. They will also be in the people who are suffering from tuberculosis or Crohn’s disease. They are going to occur in people with diverticulitis, having an anal injury, or who are suffering from cancer.

Well, there is surgical intervention traditionally that is required for anal fistula treatment. There is also a convenient method of fistula surgery that is very straightforward but there is a possibility of some complications that are there.

This is the surgery that is going to include the cutting of the portion of the anal sphincter muscle. This is done in order to unroof the tunnel, thereby joining the external and the internal opening and then converting the tunnel into the groove that is going to heal within outward.

There can be some incontinence which can result from the partial division or the loss of the sphincter muscle which is a possible complication of fistula surgery. Well, this is why there is a need for developing alternative and new treatments for fistula. This is a step in optimizing patient care.

There is a new treatment where the colorectal service is performed with the new minimally invasive repair of the anal fistula with the help of the anal fistula plug. This method is unique and alternate to the traditional method of fistula surgery.

The plug is a conical-shaped device that is made of the biomaterial which supports tissue healing. This plug is placed by drawing it through the fistula tract and then suturing it in place.

With the help of the plug, the fistula tract is then repaired without even having to the sphincter muscle. Thus there is no or very low risk of incontinence. The anal plug is providing an innovative yet simple treatment. When the AFP is implanted, then the host tissue cells and blood vessels will colonize the graft.

There are clinical results that show that this method has an improvement over the other traditional treatments.

  • There is a high percentage of success and greater efficacy that have been there in the early use.
  • This is a minimally invasive procedure
  • This is also a sphincter-saving procedure that will minimize the risk of continence.
  • There are fewer rates of the recurrence
  • The biomaterial is going to offer more staying power as compared to the fibrin glue.

This is the new treatment for fistula that is minimally invasive and has provided the patients with better results.