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Pelvic Floor
Health & Fitness

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy What to Expect

Pelvic floor physiotherapy offers a conservative treatment approach focused on strengthening weak pelvic muscles and addressing dysfunction contributing to common conditions like urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse or painful intercourse. 

Physiotherapists specializing in pelvic health like those at Revive Spine & Sport Physiotherapy Clinic in Edmonton, AB thoroughly assess pelvic floor integrity through internal and external analysis. 

Highly personalized exercise-based programs then target identified weaknesses. Understanding what this rehabilitative process entails alleviates anxiety about seeking much-needed care. 

Introduction to Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 

The pelvic floor refers to the group of muscles spanning the bottom of the pelvic cavity that support pelvic organ positioning and control continence. 

Trauma from childbirth, surgery, aging or high-impact activities can damage these tissues, prompting urinary/fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, painful sexual health changes and chronic pelvic pain. Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Edmonton offers conservative treatment addressing root causes through exercise and hands-on techniques.

Initial Consultation Components

Medical History Discussion 

Thorough reviews of current symptoms, past obstetric trauma, family histories of pelvic disorders, bowel/bladder habits and sexual health changes paint holistic pictures of patient backgrounds to identify potential contributing factors requiring integrated care pathways.

Symptom Questionnaires 

Standardized questionnaires like the Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory provide baseline dysfunction severity scores across prolapse, colorectal and urinary domains that ongoing assessments reference to verify treatment efficacy. Higher scores prompt more aggressive rehab.

Informed Consent 

The informed consent process covers details about various internal examination procedures, potential findings and Edmonton physiotherapy interventions recommended based on results so patients fully understand expectations, risks and benefits ahead which establishes trust in care.

Initial One-on-One Consultation  

The first pelvic floor physiotherapy appointment centers around a private interview discussing your symptoms, past obstetrical history, scarring concerns, bowel/bladder habits, sexual health changes and any pain triggers. 

Your therapist will then answer all questions about what lies ahead to provide transparency around methods and expectations before moving forward. This establishes trust which remains paramount throughout all pelvic treatment interactions.

External Assessment

External visual analyses of posture and breathing patterns give early indications of potential pelvic floor dysfunction. Watching seated, standing and dynamic motions also analyzes contributing biomechanical influences from surrounding musculoskeletal chains. Observing core brace activation provides additional insight on proper load transfer through the pelvis.    

Postural Analysis

Forward head postures, sway backs and rib flares indicate core weakness and potential pelvic misalignment, prompting compensatory pelvic floor overactivity and pain. Therapists prescribe targeted exercises to restore optimal positioning.

Breathing Pattern Evaluation

 Paradoxical breathing, where the pelvis/low back overly expands with breaths or breath-holding hints at diaphragmatic dysfunction contributing to decreased core stability that strains the pelvic floor, requiring respiratory retraining techniques. 

Internal Assessment Procedures

Surface EMG and Manometry 

Surface EMG electrode placement on surrounding hip musculature assesses firing coordination and manometry sensors quantify vaginal pressure generation capabilities through exercises testing system function for comparison after rehab strengthening shows improved control.

Manual Muscle Testing 

The Modified Oxford Scale grades pelvic floor muscle strength on a 0-5 scale through manual palpation monitoring gains in contraction force over the course of active treatment. Patients focus on increasing these baseline scores.

Developing Individualized Treatment Plans  

Following assessments gathering critical baselines, customized multi-pronged regimens tackle diagnosed stability deficits, scar interference, hypertonic triggers and poor breathing/bracing mechanics exacerbating leakage, organ bulging or sexual concerns. Therapists draw from exercise, manual therapy, home care advice and pacing strategies through collaborative discussions weighing pros and cons of various interventions for your unique needs.

Common Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Techniques 

Neuromuscular Re-education Exercises 

Learning proper isolated pelvic floor muscular contractions and relaxations that support continence while moving reestablishes healthy motor control activation. Co-contracting synergistic muscles together through increasingly challenging exercises focused on endurance, quick contractions and eccentric lengthening optimizes stability improvements long-term.  

Manual Internal Mobilizations

Gentle manual therapy techniques like trigger point release, scar massage and neural mobilizations decrease peripheral nerve sensitization causing heightened pain perceptions and overactivity of pelvic floor muscles that prevent normal function. Relieving pelvic congestion and spasms through direct hands-on work transforms homeostasis.    

Biofeedback Training

Real-time pressure biofeedback utilizes visual graphs confirming proper pelvic floor firing as patients perform various exercises. This trains movement strategies that should activate contraction or relaxation responses. Solidifying mind-muscle connections this way proves extremely effective retraining pelvic neuromuscular synergies.  

Adjunctive Modalities

Some therapists additionally incorporate external ultrasound, electrical stimulation, electromyography, vaginal dilators or pessaries, depending on the diagnosis and response to exercise. 

Each adjunct matches specific goals like lowering reflexive guarding, decreasing pain or promoting connective tissue health. Onboard certified physiatrists also manage pharmaceutical needs.  


Through comprehensive assessments, data-backed treatment plans and compassionate care, pelvic floor physiotherapists like those at Revive Spine & Sport Physiotherapy Clinic transform quality of life for those suffering with often embarrassing pelvic floor disorders left unaddressed far too long. 

If you have concerns about leaking, organ prolapse, painful sexual health changes or pelvic pain, don’t wait to seek help. Physiotherapy empowers self-care habits that prevent worsening symptoms in the future. Book an appointment to learn how pelvic rehab can help you thrive again.